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Louise Elliot (Mercury 8 Dec) is correct in blaming Local Govt red tape for the critical shortage of supply in housing we are suffering in Tasmania. This load of red tape has been steadily and stealthily increasing over many years as demonstrated by the recent ‘$60,000 tree’ debacle at Mt Nelson.

However, two other factors have made this shortage of supply chronic:

  1. The over regulation of the housing construction industry which was a failed attempt to get rid of ‘shonky builders’ but instead virtually wiped out small efficient ones leaving an uncompetitive oligopoly for the big end of town to exploit, thus pushing up first home mortgages by an average of $100,000. This has occurred during many years of ALP stewardship.
  2. The complete inability of the Liberal administration to deal with inconsistent Local Govt restrictive red and green tape. We can’t even get a start on reducing the laughable number of Councils in our state!

It’s high time all levels of government started facilitating large scale housing construction instead of restricting it.

Rick Cazaly.

Lenah Valley